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Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 2, 2021

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Decorative bamboo curtain art painting

 Decorative painting and decorative bamboo curtain is one of the ways to change the bamboo blinds, bamboo blinds to create aesthetics, decorate a remarkable house that many customers are interested in and use. 

These blinds bamboo , bamboo blinds purposes shade rain cover, protective door. Through the hands of artists and artisans of the craft village, they have created beautiful works of art, creating a high aesthetic when hung indoors or outdoors.

Join us, the bamboo blinds for sun protection Ngoc Duong to experience and choose the bamboo blinds decorated with beautiful art paintings.

bamboo curtain painting majestic rivers

bamboo curtain painting majestic rivers

Bamboo curtain painting landscape

Bamboo curtain depicts rural life

The ordinary bamboo blinds and bamboo blinds look quite coarse, but with the craftsmanship and creativity of the craftsmen, and the painter's aesthetic, the bamboo blinds look more soulful and beautiful. many times more, creating meaningful decorative bamboo blinds, creating aesthetic value for the house.

Decorative bamboo curtain gallery

Decorative bamboo curtain gallery

decorative bamboo curtain

The image of an artist enthusiastically creating

Raw materials for decorative bamboo curtains

In the field of bamboo blinds, shading , decoration. The main raw material for making the blinds is bamboo, bamboo.

How much is the bamboo curtain?

How much is the bamboo curtain?

  • For the bamboo blinds to shade the sun, the worker will create the blinds because the bamboo spokes are split larger. This type of blinds are often directly exposed to weather and sunlight, so this blind should be used to protect against sunlight, prevent the wind to prevent rain and have high durability.

  • The second type of blinds are decorative bamboo blinds , decorative bamboo blinds are hung indoors for the main purpose of decoration, or hung to protect against the sun but with lower intensity. This type often uses bamboo spokes, small bamboo spokes, flat or a toothpick.
  • In addition, using such decorative bamboo curtains, adding creativity to painting, printing pictures on the curtain also creates beautiful works of art.

Bamboo curtain decorative lotus flower

Bamboo curtain decorative painting lotus shape

decorative art bamboo curtain

2 bamboo blinds are painted with peach blossom on the New Year's day, hung inside the room beautifully, creating a balanced and sustainable look.

Why should use decorative bamboo blinds at the Ngoc Duong bamboo sunshade curtain production facility

Sun blinds production establishment is a manufacturer and construction unit of bamboo sunshades with many years of experience in the market.

The products created at the company are always trusted and appreciated by customers from all regions, both in terms of product quality, aesthetics as well as enthusiastic, thoughtful service, clear warranty. .

Pick up your phone and call us right away

Ngoc Duong manufacturing and constructing curtain blinds

Address: Van Lung - An Khanh - Hoai Duc - Hanoi

Website https://thegioimanhrem.net

Hotline: 0973 403 629

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